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Best Bathroom Reading Material: Summer 2014

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Are you a fan of prolonged bathroom visits? Are you looking for some new bathroom reading material? What you’ll find here are some books to consider when you just want to pass the time, waiting, away from everyday troubles while sitting on the white porcelain throne. Nothing too deep, but just enough to pique your interests.


Dubbed “the only trivia book that caters to your everyday bathroom needs,” Toiletrivia provides a series of titles catering to your competitive needs. With 10 separate titles on subjects such U.S. history, baseball, pop culture and entertainment, you’ll feel like you’re a part of a Trivial Pursuit game (without the pie pieces). Each book provides a scorecard so you can compete against family members or roommates on questions with difficulty ratings of one, two or three rolls. The more rolls, the harder the questions and the more points you get.

Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader

This is another series of books for the smallest room in the house. Popular Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader titles include Attack of the Factoids: Bizarre Bites of Incredible InformationZipper Accidents: And Other Cringeworthy Events, and the recently released Germophobia. For the kiddies, there are even more titles dubbed For Kids Only, including The Enchanted Toilet and iFlush: Hurtling through History. The whole series has been around for more than 25 years now. An associated website offers downloadable activities, and if you prefer to read from your iPhone/iPad or Android device, you can check out the Uncle John's app in your favorite apps store.

Bathroom Remodeling

No humorous books here, but from Bathroom Remodeling for Dummies to the Bathroom DIY series, you can contemplate what to do with your bathroom to make it more comfortable for your quiet time while you’re enjoying your quiet time. If funds are scarce, getting one of these titles is probably a bad idea, as it might spark extended weekend projects and a desire for even more funds to straighten out the home, going well beyond just a bathroom upgrade.

Best Sellers

Not all bathroom readers like to have their reading focused on bathrooms, facts, or small tidbits of information. Consider instead reading a suspenseful thriller like Stephen King’s latest, Mr. Mercedes: A Novel, or James Patterson’s Unlucky 13. Both books allow you to go on a quest to find a killer. Whether you prefer the creepiness of King’s isolated thrillers or the series approach from Patterson, your mind will be taken away from the business at hand. There are risks in reading a novel, though, especially a suspenseful one. You don’t want to stop in the middle of a chapter, or you don’t want to wait until the next time you have to do your business to uncover the mystery at hand. If your home has a single bathroom and you don’t live alone, perhaps consider the other options instead.

For the love of the bathroom, there is bound to be a book out there for you to leave by your toilet. Now you can become the life of the party with all the tidbits you’ve read!

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