Dear Valued Customers,
A flood watch is in effect for the Washington and Baltimore Metropolitan areas as well as central and southern Maryland for this afternoon and evening. Elsewhere, scattered instances of flooding are possible from thunderstorms during this time. Isolated instances of damaging wind gusts may occur.
Please follow these instructions to ensure the safety of the unit(s)
1) secure your portable restroom unit to a tree, telephone pole, dumpster, or other secure structure with heavy-duty rope, strap, or chain, with the door facing inward.
2) at work sites, put heavy machinery around all portable restroom units to form barriers from winds and flooding.
Visit to log into mygotügo, your online portal to view any changes in your service or delivery schedule, or feel free to give us a call at 410.360.1215.
Thank you and we appreciate your business!
Stop settling for standard units that create bottlenecks, waste worker time, and risk compliance violations. Transform your site efficiency with strategically placed and maintained premium facilities to drive productivity.
Our team works directly with project managers to optimize every aspect of your restroom service—from initial placement through project completion.